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A Spring in our Step

I love the Spring time- the hint of warmer weather to come and sights of the first buds on the trees. It is also a time for us to grasp those opportunities that are sprouting up.

“The spring wakes us, nurtures us and revitalizes us. How often does your spring come? If you are a prisoner of the calendar, it comes once a year. If you are creating authentic power, it comes frequently, or very frequently.”– Gary Zukav

We are as busy as ever, with schemes running across the country. From resurfacing roads to utility works, you no doubt will spot us somewhere on your travels. The Company continues to grow- since the start of the year we have been delighted to welcome six new clients. To keep up with demand we have been continuing to recruit new operatives and working hard to support existing operatives in becoming squad leaders.

While we always welcome new growth and opportunities, it inevitably brings its challenges. Most important to us is maintaining the levels of quality our clients have come to expect whilst the number of clients increases and our team expands. How do we meet this challenge? Investing in our people. Going back to basics. And ensuring we do the basics right. As the entrepreneur Jim Rohn says- Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” While continuing to scale up is great, it is more important that we do it well.

We have been busy training since the start of the year. Completing external training courses and reviewing our in-house training keeps our skills fresh. We took advantage of the quieter period at Easter to run training- we are proud to have the highest number of First Aiders we have ever had.


In February we celebrated our two year anniversary of the Company- it's hard to believe we are now in our third year of trading! Celebrations were muted due to COVID restrictions. Instead, we decided to do a prize giveaway to enjoy at home- congratulations to Dorothy who was our winner. We hoped you enjoyed your goodies!

Talking of COVID restrictions, I am sure everyone welcomes the easing of restrictions. Things are moving in the right direction and hopefully will continue to do so. With this, we look forward to seeing the events sector start up which was decimated, along with various other sectors, when COVID struck. We already have some events lined up this year where we will be installing traffic management to support. We look forward to seeing more events, a bit more normality and sunnier days ahead.


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